Payment Info

All prices are in US dollars.

In our store, you can pay for your purchases in the most convenient way for you: by credit card (Visa, Visa Electron, Maestro, MasterCard, American Express) and PayPal.

Do not worry about safety: we'll take care of it! All digital payment procedures are carried out through a secure connection directly connected to the bank owner and operator of the online payment service; data is transmitted in encrypted form via SSL protocol. This protocol guarantees the protection of data transmission and the decryption and/or forgery of all confidential information is safe!

Credit card

If you have decided to pay with a credit card, you can choose to save the card data. It will be encrypted and transmitted to our payment gateway, the company that performs electronic payment services for us. For your subsequent purchases, you will not need to re-enter the data.

Sometimes, a credit card payment can be refused. Usually this happens for the following reasons:

- your credit card has expired; in that instance, please contact your bank;

- the credit limit of the card has been reached, please contact your bank;

- some of the information you’ve entered are wrong: please check that you have provided all the correct details. 


PayPal is an electronic wallet that allows you to pay and receive money via the internet. To use this form of payment, you must have a PayPal account connected to your account and a credit card or a prepaid card. If you do not have it, you can easily open it by registering on PayPal’s official website.

When you pay for a purchase on our store with a credit card linked to a PayPal account, the system allows you to save an identification code (called "Token") in order not to re-enter your credentials for subsequent payments. PayPal will store and process the aforementioned data independently, according to the highest security standards and only to execute your purchases on our website.

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